
What Applicants Want in a Job: Insights for 2024

The way we find job applicants is changing fast as we move through the 2020s. Employers who understand and meet job seekers’ needs find it easier to draw more candidates who are highly qualified and are a great fit for their organization.

In this article, we’ll explore what job seekers want employers to know during recruitment in 2024. From work-life balance to clear career paths, understanding these needs will help you attract and retain the best talent. Let’s explore these tips and how PasaJob can support you in meeting today’s job seekers’ expectations.

9 Things Candidates Are Looking for During Job Applications

1. Complete Job Descriptions

One of the most important things job seekers look for is a precise and detailed job description. In HR recruitment, transparency about what a role entails is key. When you provide a comprehensive job description, it sets the right expectations and attracts genuinely interested and qualified candidates.

A detailed job description helps job seekers understand their day-to-day responsibilities, the skills required, and how their role fits into the bigger picture. This clarity not only improves the quality of applications but also reduces turnover, as new hires are less likely to be surprised by the realities of the job.

2. Work Setup: Remote, Hybrid, or On-Site

Job seekers today have strong preferences for their work setups, and employers must consider these in their sourcing strategy as they find job applicants. Whether it’s remote, hybrid, or on-site, offering flexibility can make a significant difference.

With 75% of workers preferring flexible jobs, offering flexible work options can attract a wider range of candidates post-pandemic. Tailoring your job postings to highlight available work setups can make your positions more appealing and ensure you’re reaching the right talent. Flexibility isn’t just a perk—it’s a crucial part of a successful hiring strategy.

3. Emphasizing Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is another top priority for job seekers. They want to know that their potential employers value their time and well-being. Knowing that a company supports a healthy balance between work and personal life can make a job more appealing and lead to better retention rates.

During the recruitment process, recruiters should communicate the company’s policies on flexible working hours, remote work options, and wellness programs. Highlighting these initiatives in job postings and during interviews reassures candidates that the company is committed to supporting their overall well-being, making the role more attractive and aligning with their expectations.

4. Training, Development, and Growth Opportunities

Career development is connected to employee satisfaction and retention, as employees seek roles where they can continuously learn and advance. They want to know that their potential employer is invested in their professional growth.

To attract future workers, recruiters should communicate the training and development programs available. Highlight specific initiatives like mentorship programs, workshops, and opportunities for digital upskilling—something 69% of people desire post-pandemic. By focusing on what applicants want in a job, recruiters can appeal to candidates eager to enhance their skills and advance their careers.

5. Transparent Leadership and Management Styles

Knowing about leadership and management styles is essential for job seekers. They want to understand who they’ll report to, how their progress is tracked, and the overall management approach. Most workers prefer to be judged by their contributions rather than hours worked and appreciate flexibility.

Additionally, 74% of employees seek empathetic and supportive managers. During the screening process, recruiters should highlight these aspects, emphasizing output, flexible work arrangements, and a supportive leadership style. This transparency can make job offers more attractive to potential hires.


6. Insight into Company Culture and Team Dynamics

Understanding company culture and team dynamics is vital for job seekers because it helps them envision their day-to-day work life. They want to know if they’ll fit in and thrive within the team. A strong cultural fit can significantly influence their decision to join your company.

Recruiters can address this during the hiring process by describing the company’s culture and the team they’ll be working with. Moreover, leveraging free job posting sites in the Philippines can help you find job applicants who are not only qualified but also a great fit for your team.

7. Employee Feedback on Organizational Improvement

Job seekers are keen to hear from current employees about what could be improved within a company and how those issues are being handled. This transparency helps them gauge the company’s commitment to continuous improvement.

Recruiters can consider sharing insights from internal reviews and feedback during the hiring process. Highlight how the company actively listens to employees and implements changes based on their suggestions. This approach not only builds trust with potential hires but also shows that the company values its employees’ opinions and strives to create a better workplace.

8. Transparency on Salary and Benefits 

Knowing about salary and benefits upfront is a top concern for job seekers. They want information about compensation, growth opportunities, and benefits, especially health-related ones, given the post-COVID context.

Recruiters looking for candidates can address this by being transparent about salary ranges, progression paths, and benefits right from the start. Using recruiting software can help facilitate this transparency, allowing you to provide detailed compensation information automatically.

Clear communication on these topics helps attract candidates who are serious about their career development and ensures they have realistic expectations, making the negotiation process smoother for both parties.

9. Comprehensive Overview of the Recruitment Process

As they apply for a new job, candidates want to understand the entire recruitment process. Knowing what to expect helps them feel more comfortable and prepared. Candidates who see anomalies in the recruitment flow may take this as a reason to withdraw their application.

Recruiters must provide a detailed explanation of each recruitment phase, from application to onboarding. Communication of the recruitment timeline can help manage expectations and reduce anxiety.

With many candidates now preferring online interviews, offering virtual interview options can also make the process more convenient and appealing. By being transparent and organized, you can attract top talent when looking for candidates.


How PasaJob Can Help

PasaJob is designed to meet the needs of modern recruitment, making the hiring process smoother and more effective for everyone involved. With access to 71 million GCash users, our platform offers a vast talent pool and an efficient matching system to quickly connect you with the right candidates.

This wide network speeds up hiring, making the process much faster for employers. Plus, PasaJob is cost-efficient, making it ideal for small to medium companies while providing the hiring demands that large companies need.

Empower Your Recruitment with PasaJob

Meeting job seekers’ expectations is crucial for successful recruitment in 2024. By focusing on clear job descriptions, work-life balance, growth opportunities, transparent leadership, and a supportive company culture, employers can attract top talent.

If you’re looking for candidates who align with your needs, PasaJob is your go-to platform for efficient and effective recruitment strategies. Embrace these best practices and let PasaJob help you find job applicants who are the perfect fit for your organization!

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